Get the free mini-course to write a killer email welcome series

(The next best thing to welcoming 🔥 new leads to your business with a magnum of Champagne)

Delivered to your inbox every day for 7 days

You want to keep in touch with the leads who aren’t ready to buy immediately (obvis!)… but how, exactly?


Turn strangers into friends (and friends into clients) with a welcome series of emails that sets you apart from the rest.

I’ll send you a 7-day welcome series using my magic W-E-L-C-O-M-E formula.

You’ll get a swipeable template for each day (and a breakdown explaining why each bit works likes wizardry).

So, who’s giving all this stuff away?
- Delia Monk!

Hi, I’m Delia, a website and email copywriter who helps bold businesses stand out online by finding their “Sunshine Factor” - what makes them different from the rest. 

An ex-news hound, my years in journalism, mean that I love to investigate, research, and tell a good story. These are the key ingredients behind my highly converting copy, which helps businesses increase their leads and sales online. 

Take a peek at my website to read more about my web copy services. Or connect on Insta if you want to inject a little bit of Spanish sun in your feed.

Delia Monk wearing yellow blazer leaning against stone wall laughing

With every (page) end comes a new beginning

Your welcome series starts here